奖学金 & 金融援助

金融援助 行为准则


This is the Manhattan School of Music code of conduct for financial aid professionals.

I. 目的

本政策的目的是禁止在涉及学生经济援助的情况下的利益冲突,并为newbb电子官员建立行为标准, 员工, 和 agents with responsibility for student financial aid.

II. 适用性

本政策适用于在财政援助办公室工作的所有员工和所有其他学院官员, 员工, 以及负责教育贷款或其他形式的学生经济援助的代理.

3. 定义

A. 利益冲突: 当雇员的经济利益或其他个人利益的机会可能妥协时,就存在利益冲突, or reasonably appear to compromise, 雇员在男男性接触者中履行其职责时的判断独立性.

B. 礼物: 任何小费, 忙, 折扣, 娱乐, 热情好客, 贷款, or other item having a monetary value of more than a de minimus amount. The term includes a gift of services, 运输, 住宿, 或者吃饭, whether provided in kind, by purchase of a ticket, 预付款, or reimbursement after the expense has been incurred. The term “gift” does not include any of the following:

  • a. 标准材料, 活动, or programs on issues related to a 贷款, 默认的厌恶, 默认的预防, 或者金融知识, 比如宣传册, 一个车间, 或培训.
  • b. 向男男性行为者提供培训或信息材料,作为培训课程的组成部分,旨在改善贷款人的服务, 担保人, or 服务机构 of educational 贷款s to MSM, if such training contributes to the professional development of MSM’s 员工.
  • c. 有利的条件, 条件, 以及向男男性行为者雇用的学生或学生的父母雇员提供的教育贷款的借款人福利(如有此类条款), 条件, 或福利与提供给所有男同性恋者学生的福利相当,而不是因为学生或家长受雇于男同性恋者而提供的.
  • d. 为借款人提供入学和离校咨询服务,以履行学院在联邦法律下的入学和离校咨询责任, so long as MSM’s 员工 are in control of the counseling, 和 such counseling does not promote the products or services of any specific lender.
  • e. Philanthropic contributions to an institution from a lender, 服务机构, (三)与教育贷款无关的教育贷款担保人或者出借人的出资, 担保人, or 服务机构 that is not made in exchange for any advantage related to education 贷款s.
  • f. 由州或代表州管理的州教育补助金、奖学金或财政援助基金.

C. Opportunity pool 贷款: 一种由出借人提供给男男学生或该学生的家庭成员的私人教育贷款,包括付款, directly or indirectly, 由MSM的点, 保费, 额外的利益, 或向贷款人提供经济支持,以便贷款人向学生或家庭提供信贷.

D. Revenue-sharing arrangement: An arrangement between MSM 和 a lender under which (a) a lender provides or issues a 贷款 to students attending MSM or to their families; 和 (b) MSM recommends the lender or the 贷款 products of the lender 和 in exchange, the lender pays a fee or provides other materials benefits, including revenue or profit sharing, to MSM or its 员工.

IV. Institutional Policy Regarding Education Loans 和 Student 金融援助

A. Revenue-Sharing Arrangements
The College will not enter into any revenue-sharing arrangement with any lender.

B. Interaction with Borrowers
When participating in the Federal Direct Loan program, the College will not assign a first-time borrower’s federal 贷款, through award packaging or other methods, to a particular lender. The College will not refuse to certify, or delay certification of, 任何基于借款人选择或特定贷款人或担保机构的联邦贷款. When participating in the Federal Direct Loan program, 学院可以将首次借款人的联邦贷款指定给联邦政府作为贷款人.

C. 私人贷款
在任何情况下,学院都不会将学生的私人学生贷款分配给特定的贷款人, or refuse to certify or delay certification of any private 贷款, based upon the borrower’s selection of lender or guaranty agency. 学院不会要求或接受任何贷款人提供的资金用于私人教育贷款, including funds for an opportunity pool 贷款, to students in exchange for the College providing concessions or promises regarding providing the lender with (i) a specified number of federal 贷款s; (ii) a specified federal 贷款 volume; or (iii) a preferred lender arrangement for federal 贷款s.

D. 联合品牌
The College will not permit a private educational lender to use the College’s name, 会徽, 吉祥物, logo, 或者换句话说, 图片, 或与学院相关的符号,以暗示贷款人对私人教育贷款的认可.

E. 人员协助
学院不会要求或接受任何贷款人在呼叫中心人员配置或财务援助办公室人员配置方面的任何帮助. Nothing in this section, 然而, prevents the College from accepting assistance from a lender related to (i) professional development training for its staff; (ii) providing educational counseling materials, financial literacy materials, or debt management materials to borrowers, provided that such materials disclose to borrowers the identification of any lender that assisted in preparing or providing such materials; or (iii) staffing services on a short-term, 在紧急情况下协助学院履行与财政援助有关的职能, including State-declared or federally declared natural disasters, federally declared national disasters, 和 other localized disasters 和 emergencies identified by the Secretary of Education.

V. 行为准则

A. Conflicts of Interest

  • a. 任何员工都不得在其负责的任何教育贷款或其他学生经济援助方面存在利益冲突.
  • b. 任何雇员不得处理与他/她自己或亲属的个人经济援助资格有关的任何交易.

B. 礼物

  • a. No employee may accept any gift from a lender, 担保人, or 服务机构 of education 贷款s. 如果送给员工的礼物是在员工知情和默许的情况下赠送的,并且员工有理由相信该礼物是由于该员工在男男性接触者中的职位而赠送的,则该礼物应被视为送给员工的礼物.
  • b. Token awards from professional associations (state, 区域, 或国家)表彰专业里程碑或对家长和学生的杰出服务, or scholarships for conference attendance or other professional development opportunities, 可以接受.

C. Prohibited Contracting Arrangements

  • a. No employee shall accept from any lender or affiliate of any lender any fee, 付款, 或其他经济利益(包括购买股票的机会),作为向贷方或代表贷方提供与教育贷款有关的任何类型的咨询安排或其他合同的补偿.

D. Advisory Board Compensation

  • a. No employee who serves on an advisory board, 委员会, or group established by a lender, 担保人, or group of lenders or 担保人s may receive anything of value from the lender, 担保人, or group of lenders or 担保人s in return for that service.

E. Reimbursement of Expenses

  • a. Expenses incurred while attending professional association meetings, 会议, or in connection with service on an advisory board, 委员会, or group described in Section V.D. of this Policy must be paid by MSM. Entertainment expenses such as concert or sports tickets or greens fees may not be accepted. 员工应根据机构政策亲自支付这些费用或向男同性恋者申请报销.


  • a. Employees may occasionally need to share meals with 员工 of lenders, 担保机构, or other colleges or universities in the course of business. 餐 offered as a part of meetings, 会议, 如果为会议或活动的所有参与者提供餐食,或者餐食作为注册费的一部分包含,则可以接受其他活动.

VI. 违反政策

A. Violations of this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to 和 including dismissal.

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